Understanding Stalls & Spins
“What causes the airplane to spin?” Many high-time professional pilots and flight instructor applicants typically answer, “One wing is stalled more than another.” While that’s a great answer, how do we stall one wing more than another? The response usually includes a blank stare. Mark King and Brian Schiff will answered this question during NAFI's 50th episode of MentorLive which aired on November 17, 2021 at 5:00 pm Pacific. It addressed the myths, wives’ tales, and untruths regarding stalls and spins.
Below are the links (and more) to which we referred during the presentation:
Resources and Links

Project Name
Master Instructor Rich Stowell has specialized in spin, emergency maneuver, aerobatic, and tailwheel training since 1987: in the classroom, in the cockpit, in front of seminar audiences, in writing, and in front of the camera.
Project Name
CP Aviation, Santa Paula, CA (SZP)
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to fly an aircraft? Stop wondering, and start flying! We offer Introductory (Discovery) Flights where you get to experience the thrill of being in control.
Project Name
Figure 1 Foundation - Scholarships
The Figure 1 Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to aviation scholarships. The foundation acts as a conduit between investors and determined individuals pursuing a career in aviation. We grant the appropriate funding, guidance, and access to the highest quality flight training available to people who otherwise may not have the means. Furthermore, the foundation inspires pilots who are already on a career path with advanced flight training scholarships, giving them the experience needed for better job placement.